超級愛 Bishop Briggs 的風格,音樂跟聲音都正到爆炸,我的女神!


Bishop Briggs 音樂類型:英國獨立流行,另類搖滾



Bishop Briggs - River

Like a river, like a river, sh-
像一條河流 像一條河流
Like a river, like a river, sh-
像一條河流 像一條河流
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我

How do we fall in love? Harder than a bullet could hit you
我們是怎麼墜入愛河的? 比子彈打到你還困難
How do we fall apart? Faster than a hairpin trigger
我們是怎麼破裂的? 比扣下板機還要快

Don't you say, don't you say it
你別說 你別說話
Don't say, don't you say it
你別說 你別說話
One breath, it'll just break it
只要一個呼吸 它就會破碎
So shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver
閉嘴 寶貝 站住 留下你的愛
Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner
聖潔的雙手 喔 它們讓我成為罪人
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我
Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver
掐住這份愛 直到血脈開始顫抖
One last breath 'til the tears start to wither
吸最後一口氣 直到眼淚開始凋零
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我

Tales of an endless heart, cursed is the fool who's willing
沒有盡頭的愛的故事 被詛咒是傻瓜的心願
Can't change the way we are, one kiss away from killing
無法改變我們原來的樣子 一個吻遠離殺戮

Don't you say, don't you say it
你別說 你別說話
Don't say, don't you say it
你別說 你別說話
One breath, it'll just break it
只要一個呼吸 它就會破碎
So shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver
閉嘴 寶貝 站住 留下你的愛
Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner
聖潔的雙手 喔 它們讓我成為罪人
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我
Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver
掐住這份愛 直到血脈開始顫抖
One last breath 'til the tears start to wither
吸最後一口氣 直到眼淚開始凋零
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我

Like a river, like a river, sh-
像一條河流 像一條河流
Like a river, like a river, sh-
像一條河流 像一條河流
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我
like a river

Shut your mouth, baby, stand and deliver
閉嘴 寶貝 站住 留下你的愛
Holy hands, oh, they make me a sinner
聖潔的雙手 喔 它們讓我成為罪人
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我
Choke this love 'til the veins start to shiver
掐住這份愛 直到血脈開始顫抖
One last breath 'til the tears start to wither
吸最後一口氣 直到眼淚開始凋零
Like a river, like a river
像一條河流 像一條河流
Shut your mouth and run me like a river
閉上你的嘴 像一條河流一樣奔向我




stand and deliver : (舊時攔路強盜用語)站住,留下買路財!






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