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Linkin Park - Lost In The Echo

You were that foundation
Never gonna be another one, no
絕對不會再有另外一個來取代  不可能
I followed, so taken
既然追隨了  我就得去背負
So conditioned, I could never let go
去受到制約  永遠無法放手

Then sorrow, then sickness
隨之而來的  是悲傷  是病痛  
Then the shock when you flip it on me
是衝擊  當一切成為枷鎖包袱
So hollow, so vicious
感到如此空虛  如此墮落
So afraid, I couldn't let myself see
如此害怕  讓自己無法看清

That I could never be held
Back or up, no, I hold myself
後退或向上提升  把持自我
Check the rep, yep, you know mine well
檢查表徵  是的  你對我聊若指掌
Forget the rest, let them know my Hell
忘掉一切  讓他們見識屬於我的地獄

There and back, yet my soul ain't sell
無論前進與後退  絕不出賣我的靈魂
Kept respect up, the best they fell
保持尊重  他們最好一蹶不振
Let the rest be the tale they tell
That I was there, saying

In these promises broken, deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
每一個字句  都迷失在回聲之中
So, one last lie I can see through
因此我可以看透  那最後的謊言
This time, I finally let you go, go, go
這一次  我終於要放手  讓你離去

Test my will, test my heart
考驗我的意志  測試我的心智
Let me tell you how the odds gonna stack up
Y'all go hard, I go smart
你會去努力  我會增長智慧
How's that working out for y'all in the back, huh?
在你背後的一切  是如何發揮效益的

I've seen that, frustration
Been crossed and lost and told no
曾跨越  曾失去  曾被拒絕
And I've come back, unshaken
而我已經回來了  堅定不移地回歸
Let down and lived and let go
放下一切  活在當下  學習放手

So, you can let it be known
所以  你可以讓人們知道這一切
I don't hold back, I hold my own
我不退縮  我把持自我
I can't be mapped, I can't be cloned
我不被操控  也無法被複製
I can't C-flat, it ain't my tone
我不做降C大調  因為那不是屬於我的音調

I can't fall back, I came too far
我不能落後  我已無退路
Hold myself up and love my scars
把持自我不斷向上  熱愛一路走來所留下的傷痕印記
Let the bells ring wherever they are
無論他們在哪裡  就讓那鐘聲響起
'Cause I was there, saying

In these promises broken, deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
每一個字句  都迷失在回聲之中
So, one last lie I can see through
因此我可以看透  那最後的謊言
This time, I finally let you go!
這一次  我終於要放手  讓你離去

No, you can tell 'em all now
I don't back up, I don't back down
我不後退  我不退縮
I don't fold up and I don't bow
我不妥協  我不低頭
I don't roll over, don't know how
我不逃避  那是我不會的事

I don't care where the enemies are
Can't be stopped, all I know, go hard
誰也阻止不了  唯一的信念就是要奮力一搏
Won't forget how I got this far
不會忘記  我是如何走到這一步的
For every time, saying

In these promises broken, deep below
Each word gets lost in the echo
每一個字句  都迷失在回聲之中
So, one last lie I can see through
因此我可以看透  那最後的謊言
This time, I finally let you go, go, go
這一次  我終於要放手  讓你離去








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