Falling In Reverse 音樂類型:流行龐克、後硬蕊、硬式搖滾、金屬核、華麗金屬



Falling In Reverse - Popular Monster

I wake up every morning with my head up in a daze
I'm not sure if I should say this, fuck, I'll say it anyway
我不確定我是否應該這麼說  幹  不管怎樣我還是會這麼說
Everybody tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase
每個人都試著告訴我  我正在經歷一個時期
I don't know if it's a phase, I just wanna feel okay, yeah
我不知道這是不是一個時期  我只想要感覺好些
I battle with depression, but the question still remains
我一直和憂鬱症對抗  但是這個問題仍然存在
Is this post-traumatic stressin' or am I suppressing rage?
這是創傷後的壓力  還是我在壓抑我的憤怒
And my doctor tries to tell me that I'm going through a phase
我的醫生試著告訴我  我正在經歷一個時期
Yeah, it's not a fucking phase, I just wanna feel okay, okay
這不是一個他媽的時期  我只想要感覺好些  好一些
Yeah, I struggle with this bullshit everyday
And it's probably 'cause my demons simultaneously rage
It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me
它抹殺我  分裂我  徹底摧毀我

'Cause I'm about to break down, searching for a way out
因為我就要崩潰  試著找尋出路
I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer
我是說謊者  我是背叛者  我是無神論者
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物  
I break down, falling into love now with falling apart
我崩潰了  甚至愛上這使我分崩離析的一切
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物 

I think I'm going nowhere like a rat trapped in a maze
Every wall that I knock down is just a wall that I replace
我擊倒的每一道牆  只是被我矗立的另一道牆取代
I'm in a race against myself I try to keep a steady pace
我和我自己比賽  試著保持穩定的步伐
How the fuck will I escape if I never close my case?
如果我永遠無法結束這一切的痛苦  我他媽的還能逃到哪去?

Oh my God, I keep on stressin', every second that I waste
我的天啊  我壓力爆表  我浪費的每一秒
Is another second sooner to a blessing I won't take
But my therapist will tell me that I'm going through a stage
但我的治療師會告訴我  我正在經歷一個階段
Yeah, it's not a fucking stage, I just wanna feel okay, okay
這不是一個他媽的階段  我只想要感覺好點  好一點
Motherfucker, now you got my attention
幹你娘  現在你引起我的注意
I need to change a couple things 'cause something is missin'
我需要改變一些事情  因為感覺失去了些什麼
And what if I were to lie, tell you everything is fine?
如果我對你撒謊  說一切都很好呢?
Every single fucking day I get closer to the grave
I am terrified, I fell asleep at the wheel again
我嚇死了  我又趴在方向盤上睡著了
Crashed my car just to feel again
撞爛我的車  只為了再次感覺我還活著
It obliterates me, disintegrates me, annihilates me
它抹殺我  分裂我  徹底摧毀我

'Cause I'm about to break down, searching for a way out
因為我就要崩潰  試著找尋出路
I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer
我是說謊者  我是背叛者  我是無神論者
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物  
I break down, falling into love now with falling apart
我崩潰了  甚至愛上這使我分崩離析的一切
I'm a popular, popular fucking monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  他媽的受歡迎的怪物

Yeah, here we go again, motherfucker, oh
耶  又來了  幹你娘

We're sick and tired of wondering
Praying to a God that you don't believe
We're searching for the truth in the lost and found
So the question I ask is, oh, where the fuck is your god now?
所以我要問的是  他媽的你的上帝現在在哪裡?

'Cause I'm about to break down, searching for a way out
因為我就要崩潰  試著找尋出路
I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer
我是說謊者  我是背叛者  我是無神論者
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物  
I break down, falling into love now with falling apart
我崩潰了  甚至愛上這使我分崩離析的一切
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物 

I'm a liar, I'm a cheater, I'm a non-believer
我是說謊者  我是背叛者  我是無神論者
I'm a popular, popular monster
我是一個眾人愛戴  受歡迎的怪物







    創作者 iscream 的頭像


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